worst job ever part 25
comic is up!
Yesterday I was waiting for the green light and a car hit me from behind, if this happened next probably I would get in trouble because I dont want to register my cell phone , because the governent want to know who own a cell phone, I dont want to give my data because they could steal my idendity or worse force me to pay phone taxes ( dont laught each year I must pay a tax just because I own a car , cable tv tax and pay double price for my videogames )
April 9th, 2010 at 10:27 pm
Mona needs to remember that victory has to be achieved *before* it can be celebrated…
“(…)I dont want to register my cell phone , because the governent want to know who own a cell phone, I dont want to give my data because they could steal my idendity(…)”
Wait, wait! The *Government* will steal your identity??? Dang! I hate to dis your country, but I’m sure glad I don’t live there… (Of course, we have our own problems in the U.S. [i.e. crazy politicians, a screwed up economy, etc.], so maybe I shouldn’t talk.)
April 19th, 2010 at 1:09 am
Yeah, the good ol’ US of A has some serious issues, but take it from me, I just got back from Europe (Spain and Italy to be exact), and let me tell you that there’s nothing like a trip to a foreign country to make you appreciate your homeland. I still hate our screwed up gov’t, but so far America is my favorite country, hands down.
May 2nd, 2010 at 5:02 am
Governments are terrible.. that’s a universal rule I think :C
It’s even in the bible.. everyone wanted a king.. and even though he was nice at first, he went nuts from power and jealousy.. they should’ve just stayed kingless.
May 3rd, 2010 at 11:01 am
wait that’s his right hand not his left