early comic because I say so.
Anyway lately Ive been playing hearthstone is a card game from the guys that made world of warcraft is fremium game if you win you win gold to buy decks with some cards, but I lose all the time because I dont have good cards and I dont have good cards because I dont win games, you can get cards using real life money but I learned that lesson when I collected Pokemon and yugioh cards and I dont want to waste a lot of money again ,
next .- conclusion?
December 12th, 2014 at 2:45 am
So far the secret to obtain cards without lose real money is being good in Arena play. You don’t need to be very good at first (at least 3 wins is okay, 7 is profit) because you can always do your daily quest for more gold.
So far I only invested 2 dollars (because I wanted a golden card they give for buy something with real money on the beta), and have almost every classic card (except for some legendaries) and all naxxramas.
December 12th, 2014 at 2:55 am
Uh oh
December 12th, 2014 at 6:03 pm
Im mr badguy usually in arena I lose all the time
Despise of choosing ten level 1-2 minions I always top deck
High level monsters, always top deck bad cards
For example in one match my opponent had very few cards in hand I dominared the field my opponent used a spell to clear the field
I didnt mind because I kept my best monsters in my hand and all the monsters he destroyed replaced themselves
Then he played the same spell and destroyed my field
I didnt mind because I keep two very strong minions in my hand and he already used all his spells,I summon those ubers but he top decked something twice to control my underlings and I Was not Able to recuperate and all happened in 3 turns
December 12th, 2014 at 7:38 pm
At least it makes sense to pay for something like that. If you’re playing a board game or a sport it’s bizarre to suddenly charge you more mid-game, but card games have always let you buy more cards.. i dunno
I imagine stargirl’s charm tasted like delicious freeze-dried marshmallows from cereal. I would totally eat stargirl cereal.