dating app part 3 of 3 (filler strip).- sidekick wanted
She doesn’t understand dating apps…… anyway next epilogue dating app(a wild Pilli Appears) and then story comics will resume, If you canĀ“t wait I will post early comics in my patreon
Argggg in other news ….. a close friend is now visiting the united states and asked him to bring me a nintendo switch (in Mexico it’s very expensive) but he can’t find it(sold out everywhere) and there is only 480 bundles (damn you gamestop), perhaps the switch and me are not mean to be together.
May 19th, 2017 at 12:52 am
Sure, what do I have to lose
May 19th, 2017 at 6:40 am
Talking about dating apps and Pilli being ‘wild’ is very suggestive.