black friday filler strip
One of the patreon exclusive strips (Yes I upload there unseen strips besides ecchi stuff) , Anyway in the previous strip it was pointed that the monster backstory was similar to the movie “the thing”, that was totally intentional I remade that strip 3 times, the original was more realistic and was really the thing from another word (also posted in my patreon long time ago)

March 18th, 2022 at 5:10 am
Hahaha I literally just noticed today mine has some yellow skin oil stains and I should change it.
March 18th, 2022 at 12:39 pm
i think Pilli doesn’t need to be THAT shade of green Jinx.
March 19th, 2022 at 6:13 am
Jinx is super nice because now she doesn’t have a mask and can’t shop. Good friend.
Interesting that it is ‘facemask’ as opposed to just ‘mask’.
I assume this is because in Spanish ‘mascarilla’ refers to ‘mask from nose to chin’ while ‘mascara’ is a full on ‘cover the front of your skull like a ShyGuy in Mario’.