2010 pilli adventure teaser part 1
As Lupe said thank you, Now making final choices for the 2010 storyarcs
-I wanted to use at least 20 characters for the monster comments
but I did shorter list (4)since it would be too much for a gag.
Would you be fine aside from this comic I do a Pilli Adventure monster wiki/enciclopedia/almanac guide?
Next on Pilli Adventure character popularity poll , thanks to the fans e-mails and comment technology I used that data to rank top 3 Pilli adventure characters
(Still not late use your comments to change the out come!)
Anyway the last time I put a female character showing some skin I got some angry e-mails that I was afraid what I did last monday,
January 13th, 2010 at 12:13 pm
I have no objections with that kind of fanservice you made the Monday, seriously, I see worse things and they do not get angry e-mails for that.
January 15th, 2010 at 1:13 am
thanks , Somehow I didnt get angry e-mails this time.
May 2nd, 2010 at 4:43 am
People who send angry emails at things they don’t like need to learn you’re not making them read it.. they’re terrorists..
What if we send happy emails instead? Can we counteract them?