full nagual mode
she cant difference between friend and foe.
follow me on twitter, facebook, and tumblr or else I´ll become a wild animal lol
just kidding.
hated monday page, I was done on sunday night kinda my only free day, on the other hand
this page only took me like 2 hours to make, t probably because I really wanted to draw a
a badass bird, for a while I was obsessed with terror birds Pollita was the result of that
Ive been doing a lot of projects lately so probably I need to rest for a while
July 31st, 2013 at 4:59 pm
Aren´t Terror birds extinct since de Cenozoic period?
July 31st, 2013 at 6:50 pm
Terrorbirds are AWESOME
funny she has wings in her harpy mode.. i guess every bird wishes they could fly
July 31st, 2013 at 7:59 pm
@flint.- yes they are, they are Many theories that the legendary winged snakes in México were some kind of giant birds
August 1st, 2013 at 5:13 am
I choose to believe that she turned into a horrible bird monster as a joke about Twitter.