Posts Tagged ‘anime’

Vera-con or whatever

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Today I visited my local comic book store, it has been a while like 1 or 2 months since the last time I entered that lair.
Anyway I found this, how can I missed that kind of info.
they invited sasuke and sakura mexican seiyus or whatever they call themselves
and a couple of artists.
looks like a good place to promote Pilli-adventure,but I came late to the party
Maybe next year.
Sometimes these cons are filled with store with anime videos, some import stuff (anime dolls, pocky some hard to get videogames ) , cards etc, the last time I went to one of those, nobody cared about the Portal (veracruz comicbook artists) stand.

I dont complain since they`re giving the fans all they asked for.
It wouldnt be fair compare it to the comicon, Last year I went to a comicbook convention at Argentina
and the cosplayers were begging for money at the streets, but thats another tale.
Still it will be great.

Spring Veracon 2009

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Some pictures


Madara real id

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

After reading the last naruto chapter I know who really madara is

his secret revealed, madara is…………………………….


Music and Sketches

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Lately Im a big fan of hyadain music classic nes and anime remixes, hereĀ“s one of my favorites Now I feel old because most of them are my childhood favorite animes Sketches Galore Again Each week I do several sketches , most of them are just eyes or hands anyway some sketches Ok some sketches of a new series Im making to replace Pilli Adv. Some Lupe Sketches the reason that she has been absent because I was trying to do a spin off of Pilli adv

I really want to see this!

Saturday, August 17th, 2013


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