Posts Tagged ‘webcomic’


Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Im going to regret this.
As always the internet was down at work, with nothing to do until I escape from that hell, I just checked today webcomics (usually I never close the internet windows when INavegate early in the morning so I have something to do at work)

I was glad that questionable content , had a perspective in the first panel in todays comic, but after a few moments I noticed that bothered my inner pseudo artist, look Faye and Raven are the same height.

As you can see Faye is a lot taller in the perspective,
Then I noticed the client as Mr Jacques used a 2d view to show us the client that kinda wrong because isnt facing Raven

Elfa strike-Pvp whatever

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Im going to regret this.

Searching at the pvp forums and webcomics critics, why didnt anyone mention the pvp jingle force five

looks similar to the Kids next door Elfa strike

Difficult not to compare them because both are parodies of the X-men and both are Santa Claus
strike force used to combat the enemies of X-mas.

But Scott parody is a tribute of kirby art, and KND X-mas episode is an 2 movie parody that played with the relationships of Numbeh 3 and 4.
pS.- a little surprised that pvp makes me sad
didnt say anything about it.

Fan strip

Friday, February 27th, 2009

long time since I did those fan something, shortpacked
fan strip
Pilli comic will be up later

shortpacked Fan art

Friday, August 14th, 2009

fan art .-the new toy store from shortpacked webcomic

click the pictures to see them full size

Gastrophobia fan art

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Gastrophobia is one of my favorite webcomics and the author is one of the coolest guys ever

 I couldnt resist doing a fan art


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