vs Belmonte
Anyway it seems the server is having problems,
Recently the company that I pay to host Pilli got a server upgrade after that the site started to get crazy after some complaining I got this msg
Yes, your account has been overloading which causes the server to respond slow. You can view your CPU logs from CPanel->CPU Stats.
Sunday 3rd of February 2013 05:55:29 PM
Client Wrote: Server Load 21.67 (32 cpus)
Memory Used 17.7 %how can I make tmy account to stop overloading and make it to have a normal load?
since you upgraded server Im having this trouble
———————————————————————–Sunday 3rd of February 2013 07:04:53 PM
Staff Wrote: Hi,Yes, this is true, but your account is indeed overloading now and yes it used to overload before too but we didn’t care about it since nobody was complaining and now everybody is complaining and all overloaders must either upgrade or reduce the load to the package limits in order to continue hosting with us.
Please make your choice.
because the site overloads maybe its time to move to a different server but my html wisdom is limited and probably it would be easier to create a new site from zero maybe start a new comic,
What should I do?
February 4th, 2013 at 7:07 am
test deleting avatar thing
February 4th, 2013 at 8:30 am
Start a new comic: that is an interesting idea. New characters, settings, stories, art style, etc and on a new website. See where it takes you. But maybe as a side project.
Stop Pilli: No. No no no. Pilli is still great and still has lots of potential. Pilli can go on longer and has plot elements/characters that could be explored further.
If you were to create a new website uploading Pilli content would be the same as uploading a new story (still images with text) so you could just bring Pilli over.
And if you do create a new website be sure to upload all the old Pilli strips and any comments/creator commentary that were really good.
February 4th, 2013 at 3:47 pm
Agree with Tim. Back up your comic to your own computer (or CD/DVDrom) before you dump this server, so that you can put them back up on whoever your new one is. You should be able to get a decent price from http://www.thoughtcrimes.org/harelink/ — full range of services including web hosting — and I highly recommend Kevin & Kell, the webcomic that inspired this business’s name (and lends its characters to, with permission)
February 4th, 2013 at 3:48 pm
Ni idea de que recomendar a estas alturas… Pero pienso que seria tal vez mejor el crear un nuevo sitio desde cero, te da oportunidad de manejar todo tipo de cambio o anomalia segun yo, no lo se, yo no tengo sitio propio asi que me es dificil opinar.
February 4th, 2013 at 5:15 pm
I deleted a lot wp plugins and installed super cache plugins so it creates static pages to reduce server strain a lot, probably will remodel the site to use less jpgs
February 4th, 2013 at 5:30 pm
Moving to a new server might be helpful, but I think only start a new comic if you are really done with Pilli yourself. I think you have told some great stories and done a good job with it.
But I also know that if you do what the crowd wants, and not what is in your heart, you’ll never be happy and the comic will suffer, then there will be no more fans anyway. So you gotta do what will make you happy.
Also, Loving this new Mona arc very well done.
February 4th, 2013 at 5:52 pm
No Ive plans for Pilli the ending I want to do at least 2 more 150 pages book to do a proper ending, then start a new comic and once in a while do some Pilli one shots.
Ive been planing a new series for a while but usually end up using those ideas on pilli, I really wanted to make pilli about a slice of life comic and my new series a shonen parody/action series but Pilli became a shonen,
February 5th, 2013 at 12:40 pm
“Ive plans for Pilli the ending..”
Good idea, other webcomics have done this.
Shortpacked is a continuation of Its Walky and characters from that series pop in every once in a while.
Dominic Deegan is ending.
And Sluggy Freelancer is still going strong with its 10 year long final massive arc.
February 5th, 2013 at 8:54 pm
Have you seen the work of Dylan Meconis? http://www.bitemecomic.com/ All of his/her stories are fixed length rather than going on and on forever. But they come to a satisfying conclusion.
So, glad to hear you have plans, that’s good. Stick to them =)
February 6th, 2013 at 4:28 am
@khamya only heard not seen…………..everyone is happy that Pilli will end someday…………..depresion….
Anyway when I started I wanted to end it around the 100 page (when Mona was introduced, between Jinx and create some kind of sinister six vreturning villains a big battle and then end it to continue my previous comic (light)